Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Gardening Fail

I mentioned in my last post that I started without knowing much about cool weather vs warm weather crops, or about planting times. Here's an example of a gardening FAIL.

Those beans that are stupid tall started flowering indoors today. I guess my best course of action is to pinch off the flowers since they will put all their energies into flowers that can't be pollinated. So very sad to pinch off such a pretty little thing.

These bean plants are now four weeks old. They should probably be going into the ground at three weeks, but with all the snow and rain and cold, being a warm weather crop they wouldn't survive a minute out there. They need 60/70 degree weather and Minnesota just won't get there. Next year I will start the seeds the last week of April, three weeks should fall right after the last frost then. Or at least closer than I am this year!

That is my note for next year.

Meanwhile, I am trying to indoor weather my plants a little and am putting a low fan on them from time to time. I read it somewhere but don't really know if it's a GOOD idea. The logic seems appropriate. I figure it's a beating before the beating I will ease them into outside. It doesn't seem to hurt them at least. 

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