Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The last 26 hours...

26 hours ago I was leaving work. That was 3.5 hours past the time I was supposed to leave work. 26 hours ago I could have been at the much anticipated Books and Bars. I could have been a participant of a group discussion on a book I suffered through. Ok, admittedly, half suffered through. Looking forward to it non-the-less. When the clock struck 6pm and I hadn't yet hit the icy roads ... I knew the night I had been looking forward to wasn't going to happen.

13 hours ago I stood in the bitter cold for 15 minutes waiting for my carpool. It was around frigid minute 14 that I thought to check my voicemail. I then waited the additional minute with a cold flip phone against my ear and the voice on the other side telling me "no need to rush this morning". My ride wasn't coming for another 20 minutes.

9 hours ago I rolled my eyes.

5 hours ago I was sweating.

4 hours ago I was outside, bearing the cold once again ... loading a truck to max capcity with the previously mentioned activity of 5 hours ago turning my clothes into crispy icicles against my skin. That lasted until 2.5 hours ago.

2.25 hours ago I wrapped myself in my robe and cranked the heating pad to warm my little fingers and tiny toes.

2 hours ago I started in on a decent dinner.

1.9 hours ago a newly purchased bottle of olive oil decided it couldn't live without the nearness of my sexy marble floors. It lept to it's death to be near it. Romantic in a way.

1.89 hours ago I swore.

1.8 hours ago my neighbors heard my screams and thought I had a gentleman caller over. Screams of ecstacy. They knocked on my door anyway to make sure I wasn't dead.

1.7 hours ago I learned how to skate indoors.

1.6 hours ago I was gifted an Elvis Presley style accordian serenade.

1 hour ago I turned my stove back on to restart my cooking.

15 minutes ago I bailed on fajita night.

5 seconds ago I bitched about my day.