Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Two Thousand Thirteen

With the New Year and all it's resolutions approaching, it's easy to write off the passing year with "Just an average year" or "Not much happened" or "Typical". I'll admit it, I tend to say that every year. Perhaps it's a way of minimizing the bad and avoiding the braggadocio that seemingly goes with the good. Which got me thinking, what exactly was my 'Typical' for 2013?

Typical - I went places. I always go places even when I don't feel like I'm going places. I hear myself saying lately that I need a 'trip' and that I haven't gone on a trip in AGES (eyes widening). 2013 brought me here:

In March I went to Chicago to see Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me performed live at Chase Auditorium (way too much laughter for such a depressing basement venue). In April, I kayaked the bio-luminescent bays of Puerto Rico (think millions of fireflys in the water). May had me backpacking the north woods near Ely, MN. I spent 17 days in Seattle in July with a dog, a baby, a friend and a sister for company. August was Door County, WI with the closeness of family. I visited San Francisco in September to meet my boyfriend's family for the first time and catch up with an old friend. Round the year out with a few trips to Milwaukee (bonus of a severe cold on Thanksgiving and the stomach flu on Christmas Day, yay Milwaukee!) and I definitely need to go on a trip cause I haven't gone anywhere in ages.

Typical - I spent less time with my friends than I want to. Enough said.

Typical - Work was filled with highs and lows. Lots of challenges the last few years and this year was the time to get above them, no matter the emotion toil. Which involved a massive job search and the acceptance of my old position at SPCO with people that support me and something that I believe in.

Even the 'typical' year must assume the a-typical happened.

Family was a particular challenge for me in 2013. At some point I realized that the me I have become is not the me I'm often held to. And maybe that same sentiment can be applied to how I regard my family and each of it's members. My relationships imploded and I'm still putting the pieces back together, maybe in a different way and maybe thinking differently about each piece.

My change for the good of humanity - With the conscious effort of keeping an Envirosax in my purse at all times, it is rare that I accept the plastic or paper shopping bag and am happy for this little effort towards big change. It's not something I preach about or even, necessarily, adamantly did. I just noticed at some point in the year how much of a habit it had become and how much I liked it. I have also made a concerted effort to take public transit or ride share to work. I am now a "bus-rider" and still awaiting my reward for that one. I hope it's a puppy.

2013 I had a health scare too. Finding a lump in my breast put me straight through to Abbot Northwestern's Piper Breast Center for testing. Fortunately for me, the scare was short lived and quickly resolved with the aspiration of a massive cyst. This is not something I told many people, but I do so now to reiterate the importance of paying attention to your body and even at 29 we should all be performing monthly breast exams. I am relieved it was nothing, but keenly more aware of the possibility of future somethings. Please, feel those boobies... or if you are in a relationship with a pair of boobies, feel those boobies (tip: avoid all other non-permissible boobies).

The Good -
I started my first vegetable garden! And didn't kill any of my indoor plants (albeit some look stricken with winter sadness). This was a new and fun experiment for me, and many a dish reaped benefit. I had a lot of luck with bush beans and tomatoes, not as much luck with the peppers. I still have my giant oregano plant brought indoors .... if anyone wants some fresh oregano, hit me up...please! Next year.... bigger!

The Bad -
I'm not sure where music went this year. I started off the year as a member of the cool kids club at First Avenue. I certainly cashed in on the value of the membership card, but didn't make it to as many shows as typical. I bought virtually zero albums. I am out of the loop for sure but I have a feeling this acknowledgement will spur an overindulgence. Just give me a month to catch up with the scene. Cool kids 2014, here I come!

Also, bad. I didn't write in 2013. Maybe I was busy. Maybe I was uninspired. Maybe I just needed a break. It's funny that as new hobbies come, old hobbies go. As if there's not enough room in the world for everything. Interests ebb and flow like the rest of life.

And the sappy one I will save for last, something that I will bashfully admit since I couldn't possibly omit: 2013 was a year of love. With all the smooches and squabbling that comes with it. 2013 I felt in someone else the value I feel in myself. I am my best self when I am with him or near him or missing him and I am excited to start 2014 with Rob by my side.

For all these things and more, I am grateful to year two thousand thirteen.

1 comment:

  1. Love this and love you Mary Phelps! If you find any good music let me know.....I am totally out of any kind of cook kids club :) - Sarah S.
