Sunday, November 12, 2017

Zero Waste Intro

Ok. Rob and I are doing Hennepin County Government #zerowastechallenge. Over the course of 8 months we're tracking and learning to reduce our waste. The first step was to weigh all of your waste (trash, compost, recycling, other) for the first 4 weeks without changing your habits. I generally think we are pretty good about waste, but it's crazy to actually quantify it!!!
We average 2.99 lbs compost per week, 4.5 lbs recycling per week, and 2.57 lbs trash per week.
If you apply those averages to one year that's about 155 lbs compost, 234 lbs recycling and 134 lbs trash annually. In all 523 of WASTE! That's crazy. And we're just a two person household!
We can all do better. I'd like to see our household numbers drop to under 300 lbs per year or less than a pound per day. I'm glad we committed to pushing ourselves to do better.

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