Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Today Got Me

I honestly couldn't find any humor in today. It was hiding in the circular clothing racks at department stores like we used to when we were little kids.

There's a good possibility that I was blinded to the humor all around me by the shooting pain I woke up with and proceeded to carry with me all day. I tried the usually tricks - pain meds, food, sugar, pain meds, caffeine, pain meds. Nothing could take this hard edge away from my existence.

My brain simply could not find laughter. My brain lacked its usual witticisms on every day life. The only thing my brain could do is pay attention to my screaming skull.

Not a particularly bad day, just a day when I couldn't function properly. A day where everything was a little off kilter. Even in conversation, I found myself trying to avoid my own voice. When addressed, my hesitancy to respond made my voice come out unfamiliar and then sat in the air for longer than it should. Do you know that voice?

I have probably been walking around with a migraine all day, but my tough-guy nature won't give in. I'll give in when I crawl into bed after loading a truck at 10pm. I hope when I give in, sleep will agree with me.

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