You start by picking through your trash, which leads to questions about which bin and why, which leads to research on waste handling, which leads to more questions, which leads to realizing it's complicated. You notice that each city, county, state talks about "how to recycle" differently and there is no norm and certainly no universal truths to this topic. You learn that municipalities choose how to education their residents without the consideration of what actually happens at the recycling facility, so what you thought you knew may not be what's happening in reality. Which makes your realize there's absolutely no regulation in place for any of this stuff, which leads to more questions. So you start looking at the manufacturers, but then realize that the products aren't made with their ending in mind and that recycling facilities can't process what manufacturers are putting out into the world. Legislation is changing every day, but as a whole completely lacking. Companies can invent whatever they want with no consideration to what it does to the world or consequence for their action. Which leads to more questions. And down the rabbit hole we go....
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